Why YUUKI and who is Yuuki
Our dear readers, today I would like to tell you how the name of our menstrual cups actually came about and why we decided to give the same name to our female dog, whom we took from the shelter and may have saved her or at least made her life more pleasant.
So how did the name YUUKI come about? Let's try to think together about the shape of the letters Y and U, don't they remind you of something? Yes, they could very well be cups. Well then, when we found out that YUU means gentleness in Japanese and the whole name YUUKI translates to hope, radiance or LIFE, it was clear. After all, it is with menstrual cups that we give hope to nature, which, after all, has the right to be treated better. In our opinion, it is completely unnecessary that 6,700 tonnes of pads and tampons end up in Czech landfills every year, when each of us only needs a single menstrual cup for several years.
Well, as if the circle was coming full circle, my husband and I thought we could help a pet with a bad fate. And I guess the universe willed it so that in 2019, in Jičín Útulek pro psy Jičínwe met about six years old female shiba inu. This breed comes from Japan, just like the name of our cups. She was the fifth female of the same breed in the last two years. These beautiful dogs are used in puppy mills to produce puppies, and once they are no longer useful, they are discarded as inconvenient waste by ruthless owners looking for profit.
Our Yuuki, as we named her, was found in a ditch and she must have had a terrible time. That's probably why she is still very timid and distrustful of men. Even though she has many health problems that will remain with her for the rest of her life (badly grown spine, rotated pelvis, allergies to mites, moulds, special diet needed to control digestion), our Yuuki thanks us every day for our care and love with her grateful eyes and we never regretted for a moment that we took her in.
What she looked like when she was found:
A happy little dog today:
So that was my slightly more personal story today, to fill you, my dear readers, in on our name and explain the name of our furry love.
Thank you for the beautiful photos AZ fotky
Have a great day! Your Zuzka